Through a series of physical treatments and magic spells, a dead individual may be raised. Once raised, the mummy retains his own free agency. Unlike most other undead, mummies do not obey the person that raised them.
Mummies tend to remain at their own burial site. They need no food. They need no rest. They need nothing to keep them alive. Therefore, they tend to just remain where they were buried. If any individuals approach this area, the mummy will attack them.
Usually, mummies were more than normal people during their life. They were usually some sort of ruler or king that demanded that this process be done to them after their death. Before their death, a king can demand that a large amount of his wealth be placed with him at his burial site. Once raised, the mummy will protect this wealth.
All undead see spiritual naturally. The mummy range for this vision is 100'.
A corpse that has been preserved by methods used by the Egyptians.